Haiku Elevator

1 07 2010

“A haiku is a non-rhymed verse genre. There are 5 syllables in the first sentence, 7 in the second and 5 again in the last sentence.”

Watch this video, 5
It is very amazing, 7
I hope you enjoy! 5

– Made by John Doe (aka Blairtoo on youtube.com)

Lego NXT Pinball

1 07 2010

Joshua tests out the pinball machine

Automatic Ball Return

Lego NXT Pinball Machine – Gameplay test

Lego NXT Pinball Machine – Gameplay test #3

– Made by Mark Gryn and Michael

Resource Furniture: Italian-Designed Space Saving Furniture

30 06 2010

“Ron Barth, President of Resource Furniture, demonstrates and explains their amazing line of Italian-designed space-savers.”

– Made by Resource Furniture

Violinist dubs Super Mario Brothers game

24 06 2010


Scacchi clay stop motion – Chess clay stop motion

24 06 2010

Directed by: Riccardo Crocetta
Animated by: Riccardo Crocetta
Featuring by: Riccardo Crocetta
Photography by: Riccardo Crocetta
Lighting by: Riccardo Crocetta

Music by : Edward Grieg : Nell’antro del re della montagna, In the Hall of the Mountain King

Zen Magnets

24 06 2010

“Zen Magnets are small but curiously strong rare earth super-magnets, 5mm in diameter. How powerful? 8 Times more powerful than the ceramic magnets driving your speakers. 30 Times more powerful than the average fridge magnet.

Pull them into a chain, fold them into a fabric, and meld them into limitless shapes: both abstract and geometric, flat or 3D. Use them when you need to massage your mind, practice your patience, relieve some boredom or alleviate some stress.

Head feeling a bit dull? Maybe your brain just needs to get up and stretch a bit. You know, give it some exercise, get the blood flowing; make that gray matter in your skull stronger, faster. If allowed, Zen magnets can be a great workout for both hemispheres of your brain: The left brain – directing the right hand – that is responsible for logic, math and language. The right brain – controlling the left hand – that is responsible for spatial abilities, creativity and visualization. With total creative control, Zen magnets are more than the average puzzle advent, they are an enjoyable means to actual mental development.”

Go to http://ZenMagnets.com

OK Go’s official video for ‘End Love’ off the album Of The Blue Colour of the Sky

24 06 2010

Director: OK Go, Eric Gunther, and Jeff Lieberman
Producer: Shirley Moyers

Lego Hello World

15 06 2010

– Made by Adam, aka horseattack

Some fun facts from Adam about his Lego creation:

“Lego felt tip 110” printer connected to an Apple Mac. This is not mindstorms, I designed/built/coded it all from scratch including analog motor electronics, sensors and printer driver, the USB interface uses a “wiring” board.

FAQ: Track name? “Christopher and Raphael just popper Shinichi Osawa distortion disco edit”

FAQ: How long did this take? Hard to say, maybe 3 weeks working evenings.

FAQ: You’re a student and this is a university project? I’m not a student, this is just a hobby project.

FAQ: Just a remake of the 1092a? No, I’d never seen the 1092a until now. However some of the parts came from a 8094 kit amongst others many years ago. It is made to my own design, but I acknolwedge influences and the great work of the official lego designers !

FAQ: Does this use mindstorms? Nope, wiring demo board + homemade analog electronics and sensors.

FAQ: DPI? Dots per inch? Approx 75 DPI

FAQ: PPM? Pages per minute? Not even 1! I sped things up a little in the video editing to keep it interesting to watch 🙂

FAQ: Helvetica? Yes of course, my respect to those who noticed 🙂

FAQ: Full color version/more colours? Originally I was going to do 3 colour version, but I had to simplify as only have 4 lego motors.

FAQ: Open source, schematics etc? Yes, I’ll try to get around to this soon. Unfortunately I’m pretty busy at work at moment and documenting this project to a good standard will take a while. Sorry 😦

FAQ: Wrote your own driver? Yes, uses standard Mac OS print mechanism.

FAQ: Are you using some sort of MCU demo board(the black pcb)? Yes. [1] http://wiring.org.co/hardware/

FAQ: re: Mac vs PC abuse? Video not meant as a Mac advert and I’m sorry if the Apple logo offends anyone. I just find them easier to use.

FAQ: Felt tip damage drying up? Yes this is a problem, but one felt tip usually lasts for quite a few pages.

FAQ: Felt tip auto-capping? Nope, sorry.

FAQ: Sensor info: Horizontal positioning using homemade shaft encoder (black/white rotating lego squares you see in the vid) with a SY-CR102 photo reflector from Maplins, (only £0.89 or $1.30). This is into a sampled analog input as I couldn’t get full enough saturation to trigger the ext interrupt pins. There are also push buttons built into lego bricks for left and right end stop detection.


30 05 2010

How was this shot? A little reality, a little fakery and whole lot of creativity. Check out this amazing how-its-made video:

BBC’s Private Life of Plants Programme

The Magical Classroom™

30 05 2010

A short film by SMART Technologies showcasing the magic of their touch screen interactive whiteboards. Visit http://www.smartloveoflearning.com/